Uuden ja uljaan Contour i-sarjan vakuuttava jalustamalli, hinta parille, tämä kaiutin rokkaa!
Contour on luultavasti Dynaudion tunnetuin kaiutinmallisto. Malliston uusimmassa sukupolvessa yhdistyvät Evidence- ja Confidence Platinum-mallistojen teknologiat. Erittäin jäykässä kotelossa on erikoisvalmisteinen etulevy, joka on valmistettu alumiinista. Tämä rakenne eliminoi tehokkaasti kaikki häiriöresonanssit, joten äänentoisto on puhdasta erittäin suurillakin äänenvoimakkuuksilla.
Contour 20i
Hear the difference: the Contour 20i is ready to blow your sonic socks off.
Contour 20i has been designed to surpass every other standmount Contour model we’ve created. And it succeeds.
The Esotar 2i tweeter is a turbocharged version of the much-loved Esotar2. It now features a larger rear chamber for more effective damping, and the inventive Hexis inner dome seen on Confidence, Core and more. Together they flatten the frequency response and reduce unwanted resonances for even clearer, smoother treble.
The woofer has been tweaked, too. It’s still made of our own Magnesium Silicate Polymer (MSP) material, of course, it’s still powered by a lightweight aluminium voice-coil, and it still uses a vented dual-ferrite magnet system – but behind the distinctive black cone lurks an improved spider suspension. This one is made from aramid fibres, and retains the ingenious structural properties from before (the ribs are of varying width to give even finer control over the cone’s excursion). You’d be surprised at the sonic difference such a small change can make.
And because those driver changes provide an inherently flat frequency response, we’ve been able to simplify the crossover too. It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it? There’s no longer any need for extra impedance-correction circuitry – which means an even more direct signal path. And cleaner sound.
Making a Contour without its signature baffle would be like making a car without wheels. Unthinkable. But there’s always room for improvement – and our designers love to stretch their legs. This baffle is aluminium, and set into the cabinet. Its chamfer is included in the driver’s basket – which not only looks great, but also reduces unwanted high-frequency diffraction effects for clearer treble, and provides a solid foundation for the drivers to do their work. A solid foundation means improved high-volume performance at low frequencies, too (although your neighbours might not thank us for that).
Even the internal damping has been improved – using lessons learned from Evoke and Confidence.
Tekniset tiedot:
Herkkyys: 86 dB
Tehonkesto (jatkuva): 180 W
Impedanssi: 4 ohmia
Taajuusvaste: 39 Hz – 23 kHz (±3dB)
Basson toimintaperiaate: refleksi
Jakotaajuus: 2200 Hz (2-tie)
Diskantti: 28 mm pehmyt kalotti (Esotar2i)
Basso/keskiääni: 180 mm (MSP)
Mitat (l/k/s): 215 x 440 x 360 mm
Paino: 14 kg
Tämän jalustakaiutinparin nettiostaja saa Custom Design SQ400 black kaiutinjalustat kaupan päälle. Edun arvo on 155 euroa.
Harbethin valtava ja huippu musikaalinen klassikko referenssi monitori päivitetyllä jakosuotimella. Hinta parille.
Tekstiilidome-diskanttinsa ansiosta tämä 2-tiekaiutin tuottaa nyansoidun soinnin, kpl
Huippu elementeillä, sekä vertaansa vailla olevalla jakosuotimella varustettu klassikko, joka on koettava. Hinta parilta.