Edullinen äänirasia kartiomaisella neulahionnalla.
EL provides high-end musical performance from a low-output moving coil cartridge at an extremely attractive price
Hana EH represents the best way to upgrade from “starter” MM cartridges that typically come with entry-level turntables.
The Hana SH combines high output with high resolution, courtesy of its special coil design and Shibata stylus.
The Hana SL features tighter channel balance, greater channel separation, and improved high-frequency extension.
SL Mono represents the most musical and affordable means to enjoy both the classic records and today’s mono re-issues.
ML aspires for affordable perfection and the “Brilliant and Gorgeous” quality that earned HANA its worldwide reputation.
MH combines the technological advances of the Hana M Series with the optimal interface for moving magnet phono stages.
Hyperelliptisellä neulahionnalla varustettu entry-level High-output Fixed Coil – äänirasia
Paua MKII:n tavoin alumiiniseos valmisteisella neulavarrella varustettu High-output Fixed Coil – äänirasia
Musikaalinen matalan antojännitteen safiiri-neulavartinen Low-output Fixed Coil -äänirasia
Laser-työstetyllä safiiri neulavarrella sekä nude-timantti neulalla varustettu High-output Fixed Coil – äänirasia
Rubiinisella neulavarrella varustettu huippu matala massainen lippulaiva High-output Fixed Coil – äänirasia